Der Blog von unseren ExpertInnen
Lesen Sie hier aufschlussreiche Tipps und Tutorials aus den Bereichen Azure und Microsoft 365.
Planner E-Mail-Report mit Aufgaben gruppiert nach Bucket
Hier möchte ich einmal vorstellen wir ihr euch mit einem einfachen und kurzen Flow in Power Automate eine ansprechende E-Mail Übersicht über Aufgaben aus einem eurer Planner erstellen könnt.
SharePoint-Liste als E-Mail-Übersicht mit Personen-Feldern (und OData meistern)
Im Alltag, ins besondere in Projekten, sind Lists (oder Sharepoint-Listen) nicht mehr wegzudenken. Der Klassiker sind hierbei sicherlich Listen um Arbeitselemente oder Themen zuordnen und Reports zu erstellen…
Use Graph Directory Schema Extensions for Microsoft Teams Governance
In this article, I want to share a method that allows your organization to bring a Microsoft Teams Governance solution to the next level. Most organizations that use Microsoft Teams have Governance requirements like naming conventions, Teams creation limitations, etc.
Teams Invitation Processes - A comparison
In this blog article, I deal with Microsoft Teams and Guest User handling. Now I want to share a short comparison about the different methods to invite guests to Teams which also cares about the costs that will come up while using the different approaches.
Use more Access Packages!
This article should show you a few use cases for Access Packages and give you some impressions about the functionalities. So, what is it all about? Access Packages are an Azure Active Directory feature and a solution themed in the Category „Identity Governance“.
Microsoft Teams – Fulfill Advanced Guest Access Requirements
There are a lot of of settings available in a Microsoft 365 Tenant which were responsible for guest access. To manage guest Access in Teams you have to adjust different settings. At least the Azure AD external Collaboration Settings, the SharePoint Sharing Policies & Settings and the Teams Guest Access Settings are relevant.
Microsoft 365 – Language Confusion
Browser Settings, OS-Settings, Preferred-Language, Regional Settings, … There are so many settings, values and components which are responsible for the user interfaces and notifications. Wrong settings can lead to a bad user experience, licensing issues, or incomprehensible system messages.
Another Microsoft Teams Governance Approach – Using Azure AD Identity Governance
Since Microsoft published the Request a Teams App Solution on github, I stopped all my „ambitions“ to create my own deployment tool for Microsoft Teams, because it´s designed very well and especially the PowerApp-Part is better than I could ever build it. So I concentrated on other Governance topics than the creation of teams.
Planner Migration Tenant to Tenant
Recently I was involved in an Office 365 Tenant to Tenant migration. The project dates were very tight and a lot of decisions have been made already. My original task was to migrate teams data to a new tenant. Despite our better knowledge, we had to use BitTitan to migrate Teams.
Flow: Instant Raumbuchung
Ziel ist es neben der Freude an der Digitalisierung auch direkte Praxiserfahrungen zu sammeln und Einsatzmöglichkeiten aufzuzeigen. Dabei versuchen wir bewusst „einfache Flow“-Komponenten auszuwählen, die auch von einem „Citizen Developer“ verwendet werden können und die nach Möglichkeit keine Premium Konnektoren/Funktionen nutzen.
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